Well, that's her all-finished, bar the shouting. Just a couple of details needed finishing (pipes on the base) that weren't really worth the hassle of photographing, but I will list what colours I used (just for anyone who's interested):
Step 1
- Red Pipe
- Basecoat (VMC) Carmine Red.
- Green Pipe
- Basecoat (VGC) Dark Green.
Step 2
- Red Pipe
- First highlight 50/50 mix Carmine Red + Vermillion.
- Green Pipe
- First highlight 50/50 mix Dark Green + (VGC) Scorpy Green.
Step 3
- Red Pipe
- Final highlight Vermillion.
- Green Pipe
- Final highlight Scorpy Green.
Step 4
Tidied up the edges of the base with some Chaos Black.
Please Don't Go...
So that concludes my step-by-step tutorial of how I painted Jess from Hasslefree Miniatures. I hope at best it will inspire you in your own painting, and at worst it didn't bore you too much (well, you didn't have to keep on reading).
Now what are you waiting for? Get those paints out!