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Halflings of the Honourable East Valonian Company

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Gavin Syme GBS Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

Thanks chaps. Here are direct links:




Revision Log
22 July 2009page first published

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12,714 hits since 22 Jul 2009
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

dampfpanzerwagon Fezian writes:

I am not sure that there has ever been a Flintloque/Deadloque Workbench article on TMP. This short article should put that right!

Flintloque is one of those game systems that has its avid followers (me), and other who just don't get it. Orcs take the place of the British, Elves are the French, and the Undead are the Russians. For this Workbench article, I choose the HEVC or Honourable East Valonian Company, based on the Honourable East Indian Company, just to show that there are other races in the Flintloque/Deadloque background.

For more details, please see

I enjoy the almost-cartoon sculpting style of the Flintloque miniatures, and have tailored my painting style to be more bright, and use a lot of primary colours - which I think works well with these miniatures.


The six Halflings from the 57001 1st HEVC Foot mounted onto 1p coins, with the groundwork built up with either Milliput or 'greenstuff'. There was very little cleaning-up on these characterful miniatures.


The same miniatures with coarse sand glued to the bases with uPVA white glue.


Undercoated with Games Workshop Chaos Black, then touched up with watered-down black acrylic paint.