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Polynikes & Chronoglide: Painting the Empires Models

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22 August 2004page first published

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Painting the Models

Hmmm. Unfortunately, I left this part until after we had played the game.

By this time, the weird monotonous languor had set in. I could summon up no enthusiasm with regards to this venture. If only I had painted them before playing, you would have been treated to the delights of a "masterclass" (ha!) by Polynikes.

But perhaps you can consider yourselves lucky, for I am a man stuck in the past when it comes to painting. The whole Acrylic Revolution has passed me by - I am an Enamel Man through and through. The reason for this is an addiction to Humbrol enamel thinners taken up the nose (only joking, Scurvy!).

But honestly, I wouldn't know NMM if it jumped up and bit me on the arse, so there's no way I could compete with all you modern-day superstars.

But I tried. I sat there and stared at the models. Weeks passed and I could not find it in myself to paint them. I would do anything rather than face my painting table.

Caught slacking off instead of reviewing...

I even prayed to Allah to give me inspiration...

Seeking divine inspiration

...but it was to no avail. Later, in a secret discourse with Mithras, I was told:

Do not paint these things, they are an abomination unto me.

The great Bull-slayer had spoken, and I must obey. So there we are. Please enjoy by way of compensation, a nice picture of my favourite Meroitic War Elephant, Stampy.


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