Soviet Character Set 1 | |
Product # | WW2010 |
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Suggested Retail Price | £7.50 |
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5 June 2003 | comments from Arkadii Rodinko |
4 March 2000 | page first published |
Editor in Chief Bill looks at some new terrain products, which use space age technology!
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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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To wrap up this part of the project, I thought it would be a good idea to collect questions from everyone and then get Friar Barb's answers. I also took more photos of the final figures here in my workshop.
Here are the questions and answers:
I prefer holding the figure. I rarely use temporary mounting on any figures smaller than 90mm. I try to save steps when painting "wargame" figures, which usually means dozens, if not hundreds, of figures. Anything to speed up the process, so I prefer not to mount them. I have never used any clamps.
I use a palette (a small plastic plate/dish). I have started using a wet palette as it keeps the acrylic paint wet for days. This is designed for acrylic paints to keep them from drying out. It resembles a tupperware containter, usually rectangular with a lid. There is a sponge-type material that you wet and place in the bottom of the container. Then there is a special paper that is used as the palette, soaked with water, and placed on top of the sponge. The palette will keep the paint plyable for weeks!!! Fairly inexpensive at about $5 USD-$10 USD at any arts store.
In regards to the Slow Dry, I put a few drops on the palette and dip the end of the brush I am currently using before dipping the brush in the paint. I mix this on the palette (paint and a little Slow Dry). This process is repeated as often as I think the paint needs to be Slow Dried. It comes down to personal preference and a little practice.
I have found that - over black primer - yellows, some reds and some browns do not cover well. Not too much of a problem if you view the "poor" coverage as extra shadow. One way of getting the paint to cover better is to apply the color in short strokes using very light pressure on the bristles. In other words, try just using the tip of the brush.
All layers are applied with the same methodology:
I use drybrushing on hair and some armor.
Brush size varies from a 10/0 to a 000.
Hmmm....how do you get to Carnegie Hall....practice, practice, practice. One thing I have learned - when looking at other's figures, I try to imagine what technique produced a particular result I like. And always ask how people did this or that. Most figure painters will happily discuss their works. And not to "over compare" your work with others. Do not get hung up on particular colors, brushes, brands, etc. It usually comes down to techniques of applying the paint, not the paint itself.
Sure, I sit around and don't shave for a few days!!!! Seriously, I either use a wash of dark blue-black or raw umber. This wash is made using the Slow Dry. Exess wash can be removed with at brush dampened with water. This wash applied to the lower jaw, chin and upper lip. If I find that I have applied it too heavy, I touch up the flesh after the wash is dried.
Two different ways, depending on the casting of the face:
Hair is various shades of browns - and for blondes, with some yellow added. This is drybrushed over the hair area. If the hair is to be black, I sometimes highlight the black primer with some gray.
Highlight flesh color, with a small amount of red mixed in, painted on the bottom lip.
OK. One thing I really learned is not to get hung up on what color so-and-so used. It usually is not the color, it is how it is applied. Just because you are using identical colors does not mean you will get identical results. And, besides, it is very hard to match colors when looking at digital pictures. Concentrate on techniques. I learned this the hard way. If you like PollyS Russian Khaki...fine. If you like Delta Light Brown...groovy.
Having said that, I think I used Delta Burnt Umber and PollyS British Brown Drab for the basic Russian Brown.
I believe I gave the over-all coat a brownish/green drab base, and then highlighted as usual. The camo was irregular patches of black with a medium green inside. The black acts like outlining.
Uhhhh...are they correct? My sources showed the Soviets to have the shoulder tabs in the color of the uniform and outlined in red. Osprey, Uniforms of WW2, etc. will show these. As well as the manufacturers website.
Same approach. Nothing different.
Woodland Scenics makes large 32 oz. bottles of static grass. You get more than you will ever need. Comes in 3 or 4 colors and for only $5 USD-$6 USD a bottle. Part numbers start with FL (as in Flocking). Go to their website and check it out.
The grass is not highlighted after application. Rather, I blend 2-3 different colors together.
Hmmmm...any brownish gray. Usually I mix a couple colors and then highlight.
$50 USD-$60 USD dollars.
No favorites. All were clean, detailed castings.
Thanks again to Friar Barb's Painting Monastery for some great articles on painting 28mm Soviets for WWII.
Astute reader Arkadii Rodinko of RedArmyOnline writes: