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Dread Pirate Garness's German Leader

German Leader
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$8 USD


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Frustrated Father writes:

Don't get me wrong Aaron, I like them (particularly the gladiator, which I've got mostly done now), I'm just not enamored (I'm betting I spelled that wrong) with them and my only critic is the pupils in all honesty.

The german that I received had a large chunk of cloak missing which I cleaned up easily enough with GS and there was something going on with his foot that was sort of funky, but a file and some GS took care of that. Overall, for the price and for what they are intended for, I think they are good.

Funny enough, I painted my germans cloak green as well. Damn odd.

None-the-less, I told Mr. Editor 'ere that I would finish up the miniatures and do the workshop when/if I get my camera fixed. Actually, right now its dead, so its more of a 'when I buy a new one' which peeves me pretty good.

Oh, and MiniWargamer, go ahead and go for it bro, I'm not in the contest any longer due to the circumstances above (grumble).

Nathan Caroland
Wyrd Miniatures

Revision Log
25 September 2005page first published

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Dread Pirate Garness Fezian writes:

Howdy, fellow TMPers. The purpose of this report is to explain how I painted the barbarian warlord for the Alpha 54mm Painting Contest. I hope you all like what I have written, and can pick up something useful for your own painting projects.

Initially, I was provided with 3 figures - a barbarian, a Roman, and a gladiator. I wasn't sure which one to do at first. I decided that the barbarian was the one to begin with, since it seemed to be open to the most options with regard to painting. Upon my initial inspection, I noticed the figure had some small amount of flash (easily filed away).

I wanted to do a more creative base, so I clipped off the base around the feet and managed to break a foot off. With a little patience and a small drill, I pinned the wayward foot to the figure leg, and put another pin in the opposite leg as well. Two reasons for this:

  1. I like to mount my figures on little wooden blocks for easy painting, and,
  2. It gives the figure 2 pins to pin the figure to the base I intend to make for it.

Once the figure was pinned and the glue dry, I primed the figure in black. Normally, I would prime in grey, but I wanted this guy to have a more dark, feral feel. Using black primer tends to make figures appear a little darker and more "grungy" (for lack of a better term).

Primed barbarian

Once primed, I began drybrushing with GW Boltgun Metal. Once dry, I washed with GW Armor Wash and let dry. I then began drybrushing with Bolt Gun again, but only on the raised areas of the armor. Then washed again with more Armor Wash, and repeated several more times. I did this because I wanted the metallic to show up, but I also wanted to emphasize the dark folds of the armor - so there was the need for the repeated washes. By drybrushing the raised over and over, I kept the raised areas shiny, and the folds became darker and darker.

Showing off the metallic areas