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USS Meade: Finished!


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dampfpanzerwagon Fezian writes:

BTW, I may have missed it, but how did you do the little propeller disks?

No you didn't miss it. I forgot to include it in the build. Sorry.

The propeller discs are clear plastic – the sort that miniatures are packed in (Games Workshop, individual figure packs with a card back and clear plastic blister) and cut with an Olfa circle cutter, see;


You can use a pair of compasses at a push, but the circle cutter is a little easier, check out craft stores or art stores, it is very good for scratch building and can be used for many projects.



Revision Log
7 February 2007page first published

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19th Century
Science Fiction

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3,754 hits since 7 Feb 2007
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

dampfpanzerwagon Fezian writes:

I hope that this insight into how I build scratchbuilt models for wargaming will help others to try... or just prove interesting reading!

The finished model (right front)
The finished model (left side)
The finished model (top view)

USS Meade (Kersarge Class – 1892, currently serving on Mars)

A steel-hulled gunboat, pre-fabricated on earth and shipped to Mars for final outfitting and 'lift wood' panels. The steam engine is a Baldwin unit working through 12" x 16" pistons, a geared drive, and air screws.

The armourment is 2 x 18-pounder guns in armoured turrets and 3 x 6-pounder deck guns.

The crew compliment is 22 (including Officers), and the weight is estimated at 825 tons.

U.S.S Meade flying in formation with U.S.S Sherman and U.S.S Grant
U.S.S Meade flying in formation with U.S.S Sherman and U.S.S Grant

A 'work-in-progress' diary was uploaded to the WessexGames VSF Yahoo! Group.