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Painting More of the Corporate Babes

Corporate Babes 2
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£8.00 GBP

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Skeptic writes:

How was the hair painted, especially that of the ninja schoolgirl?

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11 July 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian writes:

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian asked me to paint some of Copplestone Castings' Corporate Babes for the Workbench and, once again, I was pretty happy with it. The miniatures look pretty just right out of the bag, with almost no mould lines at all, and the poses all look quite intriguing. So, after a quick cleaning of the minis and a nice basecoating with GW Skull White spray primer, I was ready to go.

The Ninja Schoolgirl

This katana-armed girl immediately brought to my mind the image of a schoolgirl, for some reason, so I set out to try and paint her according to this mental image.

The skin, like with all the other models of this series, was painted starting with VMC825 German Camo Pale Violet Brown, highlighting it first up to pure VMC955 Flat Flesh and then adding more white to it for the extreme highlights; the lips received a very light glaze of GW Magenta Ink, to colour them up a little bit and make them stand out more.

Her skirt was basecoated in VMC899 Dark Prussian Blue, highlighted up to VMC965 Prussian Blue, then the tartan was designed - drawing first a net of GW Catachan Green lines, then crossing these with VMC957 Flat Red lines, and finally with white lines that stand out most of all: the final result, it seems to me, is quite close to an actual tartan skirt...

The white shirt was basecoated with VMC990 Light Grey and highlighted up to VMC820 Offwhite, eventually using GW Skull White for the top highlights: the key to a smooth transition is to have many extremely thin layers, building the colours with patience. If I remember correctly, there are over thirty different layers on that shirt!

Finally, the tie was painted VMC814 Burnt Cadmium Red, and was lined first with VMC949 Light Yellow and then with VMC965 Prussian Blue.

Ninja Schoolgirl
Ninja Schoolgirl