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Round Five Report from Rob Jedi - Part 4

Blood Reaver
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30 April 2004page first published

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Rob Jedi continues:

Next up was to paint in his gum areas. I didn't think red would show up very well, so went a bit different and painted them Liche Purple, then highlighted it by mixing in white and painting the little striations in his gums.

Painting the gums

Next was the teeth - these were pretty straight-forward. I made sure they were all black first, then painted each tooth Coffee, then highlighted each with Skull White. I then used some Vallejo Golden Yellow and washed along the top of the teeth along the gum line. This made 'em look nice and nasty.

After that, I painted the eyes. I used a little bit of Burgundy and painted along the bottom of the orb, then added a little white to the mix and highlighted that, then dotted them with pure white for a reflection.

Teeth and eyes

Currently, I had a nicely-blended critter that reminded me of a parrot. It was time to make it look like a predator - it needed spots and stripes. Looking at my reference photo, I started by covering his head in darker spots. For this I used Burnt Umber diluted quite a bit with water, and painted in a random pattern with larger, more irregularly-shaped spots along the spine, getting smaller and rounder as they went lower, eventually spreading out and dispersing on the underside.

Creating a predatory look