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On to Painting "Bob" the Dragon!


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15 July 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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alizardincrimson2 Fezian of Snitty Snitty Bang Bang writes:

I mentioned Mardi Gras, right?

(At this point, I hated this mini.)

I found the brightest, most eye-searing colors I could, and voila!

Eye-searing colors

I did get to try out my Golden Acrylic Retarder on the wings. It was great fun. And... the result looked much the same as drybrushing. frown

Dragon wings
But I do recommend trying a retarder if you get the chance. I've had a bit more experience since, and you can get some really neat effects.

I painted the included base (which he did not fit on properly) as a rock in the water.

Dragon and base

A little more touching up and a few glow-in-the-dark beads later, we have...