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Round Two Report from Kezley

Knight of the Balance
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£3.50 GBP


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19 December 2003page first published

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Paul Glasser almost missed out on his most-enjoyable game at Gen Con 2008.

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unknown member writes:

So I passed Round 1 for the Last Painter Standing. Thank you very much, for all who didn't vote me off. :-)

When I saw this figure, I said to myself, "Hey! That's Neo from the Matrix!" ;) Yea...I know it's silly, but I couldn't help it. :-) So I'm painting him in a very simple color scheme. Blue armor with dark brown leather trench coat. Here we go:

Preparing the miniature.

Not much assembly needed on this figure. I decided to keep the rifle and the base unattached until I finished painting the figure. The base is made by Champ Industries, cool stuff! Since the color will be mostly dark, I went for black primer this time, using GW Black primer.

Primed figure

Painting the base.

Sci-Fi figure with urban base...tempted me to do NMM, but with this one, I want to do a mix of NMM and MM - so for the base, I'll go with MM to get a realistic urban look and feel.

Started with Vallejo Oily Steel, thinned down with water (with a consistency of 1:1). I drybrushed lightly on the base until all of the top area was covered with the paint. By drybrushing lightly, you will get a smooth surface.

Next, I inked the base using Vallejo Smoke, again thinned down with a consistency of 1 (paint) to 3 (water). I didn't brush on the ink, but I stippled it, so it looks splotchy.

Then after the ink completely dried (yes, you have to wait until the ink is dry or your next paint will flood into the crevices), I stippled the Vallejo Light Orange mixed with Vallejo Ochre Brown (about 1:1) to the base to create the rusty effect.

Three stages of the base

Tada! The base is done.

Painting the face.

Hmmm...not much to paint on the face. So on this figure, I didn't put any highlight, since it wouldn't show up anyway. Straight on top of black primer, I painted Reaper Hill Giant to paint the face, maintaining the black area for the eyes.

Then I painted Ivory to the eye sockets, followed by Vallejo Black Brown for pupil and a fine dot of thinned down Ivory for the light on the pupil. (Thank you, Vallejo, for the Kolinski Brush that has such a fine point that helped me paint that fine dot!)

Four stages of the eyes

Painting the mask.

Started with Vallejo Dark Grey & Black mix, continued highlighting with Vallejo Neutral Grey on the top part of the mask, and with a touch of Vallejo Sky Grey here and there on the top edges for light reflection.

The mask