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Pete's Halflings Arrive

Halfling Warders w/ Bow (12)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$6.00 USD


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doc mcb writes:

Bill, maybe that's a good topic for a poll or another thread -- at what distance do we view the minis, and how does that affect what we consider an adequate paintjob. Sure, my toys are mostly played with -- at arms length -- by students who can't tell a good paint job from a poor one. But I know how they look, and paint for my own satisfaction anyhow.

Revision Log
8 February 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Pete's Halflings arrived in the mail today, and - as I promised - here are some pictures from my workbench.

The halflings party on an unfinished Grendel tower

First, let's get some size comparison shots. Here are some Halflings with a true 25mm Celt towering in the background...

Halflings and a Giant Celt

...and standing side-by-side with a 15mm scale Fishmen (who stands 15mm to the top of his head)...

Fishmen (left) and Halfling
By the way, I should mention that Pete left the Halflings unbased at my request. I'll be using a steel basing system that I've been experimenting with.

Now, some group shots. These are random figures from the painting batch, some facing forwards, some backwards:

Group shot #1
Group shot #2 (back)
Group shot #3
Group shot #4 (back)

And, finally, an extreme close-up of a randomly selected Halfling:

Halfling close-up (front)
Halfling close-up (back)

You'll see these once again, after I have them based up...