As mentioned earlier, I am rebasing my 15mm Mechanoid army for the Alien Squad Leader rules. I previously wrote about rebasing the Heavy Droids.

Above, you can see the Terminators as I originally painted and based them. My intention at the time was to base them individually, and slip them onto magnetic bases to match whatever rules I was playing. And at the time, most of my sci-fi gaming was in a desert setting. But now, I find it simpler to just base them for Alien Squad Leader.

These figures come from two packs of Automata infantry from Alternative Armies. Alien Squad Leader bases figures as units, so I'll mix these up to form four Terminator infantry bases at five figures per base.

Rather than try to remove the Terminators from their bases, my plan is to base them as-is. So I am supergluing them down to LITKO 3mm wooden bases, 50mm x 50mm, which I have already primed black top and bottom.

Now, I'll use filler to smooth the bases, so the figures aren't obviously standing on hills! This particular 'spackle' comes from the dollar store, and I've found it to be excellent value compared to a similar product available in the big box stores.

This product resembles powder, but adheres to itself and the base when pressed down by a palette knife. It's easy to work, but I do this over a garbage can because I end up dropping a lot of it as I work.

Above, the base is contoured. This doesn't have to be perfect, as we're just trying to give more slope around the mounds the figures are standing on. Errors can also be corrected with a dull blade once the filler is dry, which theoretically takes an hour but I usually give it overnight.

Now that the filler is dry, I'm going to basecoat the base with black. I'm using a really crappy Apple Barrel-brand paint that is cheap, is sometimes a bit ropey, but covers well.

The black serves as an undercoat for the flock, and also means that over the years as the flock wears off the base, you won't see ugly patches.

When the paint is dry, it is time to apply a white glue – in this case, a mix of Noch Glasskleber and Anita's Tacky Glue slightly watered down.

Above, you can see the glue applied. The goal is to have an even coat, as major puddles may be visible after flocking. And, of course, I try to avoid getting the glue on the figures themselves, especially the feet!

Into the vat of black sand they descend.

And this is the result, after excess sand has been shaken off or brushed off by finger. At this stage, if you notice some stray sand climbing a figure's legs, you can knock the sand off with a toothpick or old brush.

Once the glue is dry, I give the figures a spray of matte clear to seal the sand in place. Above, you can see the figures ready to go out back to be sprayed.
Afterward, I apply LITKO FlexSteel to the base bottoms for storage in magnet-lined boxes.

And here are the finished, rebased Terminators.

These will be the grunts in the Mechanoid army.

Since I double-based the Heavy Droids (as I thought they looked more squad-like and menacing that way), I'll need to add more units to get my Mechanoids up to the required 100-point minimum for an army in Alien Squad Leader.

Did you notice my goof? The missile-firing Terminators look similar from front and back. Above, you can see the Terminators mounted correctly. But if you look at the other pics, you'll see I mistakenly mounted one of them facing backwards!