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Painting the Rider

Masterworks Parkinson: Dragons Set #1
Product #
DSM 2501
Suggested Retail Price
$44.99 USD


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Battle Miniatures Emporium writes:

That did turn out well.

Revision Log
28 October 2010page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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chuck05 Fezian writes:

I stuck with earthy tones for the rider. No particular reason, I just thought they'd look good.

I used:

  • Antique White by Ceramcoat for the fur and horns
  • Dark Fleshtone by Vallejo for the coat
  • Mudstone by Ceramcoat for the boots, sleeves and backpack

These were all washed with my magic wash mix and some Ceramcoat Walnut. After the wash had dried, I went back with a thinned-down mix of the base color and picked out the highlights.

Parkinson Dragon
Parkinson Dragon

I did the saddle blanket in red, with a design in little white dots. I arrange the dots in little triangles. I use the same design on bandanas or pouches for a spot of color.

Parkinson Dragon
Parkinson Dragon

I did the pants in green, highlighted with a lighter green. I used Vallejo Medium Flesh for the face, and Vallejo Gunmetal Metal for the metal bits. I did the lance in Vallejo Saddle Brown.

I did the flag on the lace in the same green I used on the pants. I can't remember the name, but it was a nice dark green by Ceramcoat. And finished it off with a design in white.

That's pretty much it except for the base, which I painted with white glue and some snow-colored flock by Gale Force Nine.

Parkinson Dragon

Overall, I'm happy with how the paintjob turned out, despite the early difficulties. I think it shows that you can get some nice results with whatever paint you, use be it the cheap craft store stuff or the more expensive game store paints. It's all in how you use them.

I hope this was informative. Sorry for the lack of pictures in the latter stages, but my camera crapped out on me.