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5) The Archers of Lanis Arrive

Archers of Lanis
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

What game are you going to use them for?

Anything I need the figures for. grin

Revision Log
26 November 2007page first published

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4,507 hits since 26 Nov 2007
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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As you may recall, Minidragon Fezian painted the pilot figure for this unit...

Archer of Lanis pilot figure

...and then it was sent - along the other 23 figures provided by Ral Partha Europe - to a professional painting service to complete the unit: Old Guard Painters in Ukraine.

In less than two months, the figures traveled to Ukraine, were painted, and arrived back in the United States. Each figure was individually wrapped in paper, and then two or three wrapped figures were placed in small ziploc bags. I then assembled the figures (the scabbards are a separate piece, and some came loose in shipping) and based them.

Here is the pilot figure (on the left) and a random figure from those painted by Old Guard Painters:

Original (left) and copy
Original (left) and copy
Original (left) and copy

Do you spot the differences? On the copy, the reds are a little more intense, the bow is a touch more greyish, and the artist used a different technique for painting the skin. On a few of the bows, the artist got the wood grain wrong. However, the differences are quite minor.

There is also a second pose (reloading), which Old Guard Painters was asked to pattern after the sample figure:

Original and second pose

The "second post" figure is three-part: main figure, bow, and scabbard. The painting service wisely chose to send the bows separately, and I assembled them on arrival.

Reloading pose

The bow protrudes beyond the base, making it difficult to rank these figures with any other figures. (With some gentle bending, I was able to get them to rank side-to-side, but not rank-to-rank - I wonder if the rules require them to rank?)

One unit of 12 archers

These figures will allow me to field two 12-archer units in Crucible.

Total cost for the project was $7.99 USD per figure painted, plus $20 USD for the shipping back from Ukraine (and whatever I paid to ship them there originally).