Now it's time to work on the terrain. I drybrushed the trees white to help give them contrast, and painted the ground with Anita's Mocha Java. I drybrushed the dirt with Delta Toffee, and mixed in a little Ivory for highlights. I painted the inside of the trees with VMA US Flat Brown, and the trunks with VMA Burnt Umber.

Finally, I'm done with the painting. I sealed the mini, and added mossy flocking near the base of the trees. I added a few shrubs for ground cover, applied Testors Dullcote to the whole mini, and then a little bit of gloss to the cockpit.
Over the course of painting this mini, I mixed dozens of colors one or two drops at a time. My palette now looks like this:

The mini is done, so I hope you like how the final product came out!