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The Damned: The Base

Devout Tormented and Damned (2 models)
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Suggested Retail Price
€12.49 EUR


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joshuaslater writes:

That's great painting. Chronopia is my all time favorite game, and I love to see those older models painted up so well.

Revision Log
6 February 2008page first published

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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian of Warcolours Miniature Painting Studio writes:

The base had me thinking for a moment, then I thought: what could be better for something daemonic than to come walking through fire? So I painted the underside as flames, with VMC Dark Red and highlighting with VMC957 Flat Red, GW Foundation Macharius Solar Orange and GW Bad Moon Yellow. Finally, the ground was rendered as cooled-down lava by basecoating with GW Chaos Black, and drybrushing it with VMC Black Grey and GW Foundation Astronomican Grey.

Here is the final model in all its glory:

The Damned (right)
The Damned (left)
The Damned (front)

The whole figure required about 40 hours of work over five days: it has been an interesting experience that has taught me many lessons and no doubt will help me in the future - and, I hope, also help you! - and I would like to take this chance to thank Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian for the opportunity to tackle this piece.