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Morgan & Tony: Shirts, Skirts & Skin

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£3.50 GBP

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£3.50 GBP


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combatpainter Fezian writes:

How you painted the "I got Wood" slogan on this guy makes me very envious. :(

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5 March 2009page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Minidragon Fezian of Mini-Dragon writes:

Next up are shirts and skirts and skin!

In the detail shots, you can very clearly see that I use a layering method for my highlighting.

I begin with a base color that is as dark as I want my shadows to be, and then simply paint progressively smaller areas with gradually lighter mixes of the base color and white (or some other light color). On these figures there are three or four layers of highlights.

Morgan's shirt
Morgan's skirt
Because I wasn't painting these to my very best standard (like for a painting competition), I didn't thin the paint as much as I otherwise might - the result is the distinct layers you see; thinner paint would yield more subtle transitions.
Tony's shirt and skin
Tony's shirt (back)