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6mm French Naps: Stages 6-13


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23 February 2009page first published

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Land of the Free: Elemental Analysis

Taking a look at elements in Land of the Free.

8,929 hits since 23 Feb 2009
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Monkey Hanger Fezian writes:

Stage 6

Paint hands and faces with Vallejo Flesh.

French stage 6

Stage 7

Paint cartridge case, hats and boots black. (Note: paint scabbard on the elite troops as well.)

French stage 7

Stage 8

Paint bases Earth Brown.

Stage 9

Ink wash all the figures and bases with the black ink wash. (Yes, the figures look very dark... don't worry...)

French stage 9

Stage 10

Paint all crossbelts, trousers, and the lace on the hats white. (Note: Officer and standardbearer have Brass lace on their hats - see next stage.) (Note: Elite strip lace is red on their hats - see stage 12.)

French stage 10

Stage 11

Paint hat plates on all troops, and the lace on officers and standardbearers hat, with Vallejo Brass. I also paint the top of the standard.

Stage 12

Paint the cuffs, collars, the lace on the elite soldiers' hats' lace and pom-pom, the epaulettes of the elites, and the edges of the coats of all the troops with red. (Note: Paint drummers' shoulders only in red, as the cuffs and coat edgings are Orange - see next stage.)

Stage 13

Paint the pom-poms as follows:

Four figures - Green (1st Cpy)
Four figures - Sky Blue (2nd Cpy)
Four figures - Orange (3rd Cpy)
(also paint drummers' cuffs and edge of coats)
Four figures - Blue Violet (4th cpy)

I also paint one of the pom-poms on the command stand in the above colours, so I end up with a drummer with a Green, an officer with a Sky Blue, the standardbearer with Orange, and the other drummer with a Blue Violet pom-pom (don't know if this is historically accurate, but it looks OK to me).

French stage 13