Stage 6
Paint hands and faces with Vallejo Flesh.

Stage 7
Paint cartridge case, hats and boots black. (Note: paint scabbard on the elite troops as well.)

Stage 8
Paint bases Earth Brown.
Stage 9
Ink wash all the figures and bases with the black ink wash. (Yes, the figures look very dark... don't worry...)

Stage 10
Paint all crossbelts, trousers, and the lace on the hats white. (Note: Officer and standardbearer have Brass lace on their hats - see next stage.) (Note: Elite strip lace is red on their hats - see stage 12.)

Stage 11
Paint hat plates on all troops, and the lace on officers and standardbearers hat, with Vallejo Brass. I also paint the top of the standard.
Stage 12
Paint the cuffs, collars, the lace on the elite soldiers' hats' lace and pom-pom, the epaulettes of the elites, and the edges of the coats of all the troops with red. (Note: Paint drummers' shoulders only in red, as the cuffs and coat edgings are Orange - see next stage.)
Stage 13
Paint the pom-poms as follows:
Four figures - Green (1st Cpy)
Four figures - Sky Blue (2nd Cpy)
Four figures - Orange (3rd Cpy)
(also paint drummers' cuffs and edge of coats)
Four figures - Blue Violet (4th cpy)
I also paint one of the pom-poms on the command stand in the above colours, so I end up with a drummer with a Green, an officer with a Sky Blue, the standardbearer with Orange, and the other drummer with a Blue Violet pom-pom (don't know if this is historically accurate, but it looks OK to me).