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Last Painter Standing - Round 2

Knight of the Balance
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Suggested Retail Price
£3.50 GBP


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9 December 2003page first published

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Last Painter Standing moves on to the second round with its first science fiction model - i-Kore's Knight of the Balance

And to recap the contest action, we're down to eight contestants now - The Lost Soul fell and broke his arm during the first round, and had to drop out; The Lost Soul missed the deadline for round one and was excused from the contest; and painteater was voted out in the first vote-out poll.

Knight of the Balance pack

What should make things especially interesting this time is that we have a figure completely different from the Female Druid of the last round - although the pack once again contains a two-part figure, as well as a plastic slottabase.

The figure on its slottabase, with separate weapon

Now if you're sharp, you're probably wondering - hey, he already has a sword in each hand, why the separate weapon? Well, there's a little nipple on one side of the gun, which fits into a depression on the figure's back - so the Knight can sling his gun on his back.

The gun (with attachment point in the center)

The Knight is wearing some kind of close-fitting armor, with articulations down the front. A belted "trenchcoat" is worn over that. The face of the Knight is masked.

Dimensions: 25mm from bottom of feet to eye level, 28mm to top of head. The swords are 28mm long; the gun is 33mm long.

Knight of the Balance (rear view)

For those interested in the background, the Knight of the Balance is part of the VASA forces in i-Kore's VOID game setting:

Void Knights are near legendary individuals who have trained in esoteric arts that allow them to perform amazing feats on the battlefield. They use a combination of strict mental disciplines that take years to learn, and a withering fitness regime to manifest their so-called Meta Powers....

Knights of Balance are spies and assassins beyond compare. They are so utterly focussed and attuned to their surroundings that they can pass unseen by the most vigilant guards, and they can control their own metabolism to move at incredible speeds and perform amazing gymnastic feats. They are loners by disposition, never joining other units, and are deeply mistrusted by most of their comrades.

Their mundane powers include Stealth, Marksman, and Sniper. They can also tap into Meta Powers which grant them great speed, leaping ability, or a form of invisibility. Their equipment includes two Combat Blades and a Sniper Rifle.

Knight of the Balance (close-up)

The deadline for this round of the contest is: December 15th. As the write-ups come in, they will be posted here...