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Mechanoid Megatron

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18 September 2024page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I've previous rebased my Heavy Droids and my Terminators for my 15mm Alien Squad Leader army, but didn't have enough units to meet the required 100 points for an army. So I pondered the army list, and I remembered…


…Rubber Megatron! I picked up some inexpensive vinyl mecha at the dollar store a few months ago. That would work as a Mechanoid battle mech!


Will Megatron fit on a 50mm x 50mm wooden base from LITKO?


Yes! And I've glued him down with gap-filling superglue, using a toothpick to spread out excess glue. (The base was previously primed black, top and bottom.)


I then did some filing and scraping to remove seam marks, drilled an opening in the weapon, and sprayed the based model with flat black primer.


Following the same painting technique as I used on the other Mechanoid models, I begin with giving the model a drybrush of gunmetal metallic.


This is followed by a lighter drybrushing with a steel color, mostly on the head, hands, weapons and that smokestack-looking thing.


This is followed by an armor ink wash to add shading to the model.


I decided that the model looked a bit bland, so decided to add a decal. I've got my ramekin with water, and I've cut out a decal from a sheet of fingernail art decals I picked up years ago at a dollar store.


Above, you can see ex-Megatron with a new chest decoration.


Next, the base is flocked with black sand. It will be sealed with a spray of matte clear, and LITKO FlexSteel added to the bottom for storage purposes.


And here is the finished Mechanoid battle mech!


He's a little dark, but I think he matches the ominous coloring of the rest of the Mechanoid army.


To the Transformers fans out there: what is that smokestack on his back supposed to be? Launcher? Cooling stack?


I don't know what kind of weapon Megatron had, but I'm glad I drilled a hole in my giant droid's weapon.


This addition to my army brings up my point total, but I'm still short of the required 100 points…

More to Come!