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Assembling the Warrior Bug's Upper Body

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unknown member writes:

I ended up with the same problem with my Warrior Bugs from GenCon CoCal too...however all five where like that so I don't know if that was an issue with the prototypes or somebody didn't know there was a left and a right when the packed them...

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21 April 2005page first published

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Find the big upper-body piece. It has a big cylindrical plug at the bottom-front, intended to fit into the top of the lower body assembly. You'll probably need to give it a few whacks with a file before it fits. Don't force it in - this plastic has some compressibility, which means forcing a piece into place is like pressing a spring... and the piece may suddenly launch itself across the room! (This is mostly a problem with the mandibles...)

The upper body should fit into the lower body so that the upper body's long "tail" is over the "pointy anus" end of the lower body. (Not that you can't turn the upper body to face the direction you want - I'm just trying to orient you.) Also, make sure the upper body isn't going to collide with any of the legs (particularly the "retracted" ones).

When you've adjusted the fit, glue the upper body into place.

Upper body is glued on

Next come the mandibles. There is an upper and a lower piece, and you can't screw this part up because each fits onto a unique pin on the front of the upper body. The lower mandible has two "fangs," and the upper mandible has one. Sadly, these aren't particularly poseable - you can't easily make them bite down or open up.

Glue the lower mandible into position first, but check the fit first - you may need to file the bottom of the peg before it will fit. Then do the same thing with the upper mandible (and you may need to file down the top of its peg).

The mandibles are attached

If you care about good dental health, you might try to line the jaws up so the teeth would mesh properly. (The upper mandible seems to "tip" slightly to one side - I think the peg is a tiny bit crooked - so don't stress over getting the perfect line-up.)

Lining up the teeth

Lastly, attach the "claw arms." These come in pairs on the sprues, so make sure you get one of each type. The peg on the arm fits into the hole through the upper body, and the "claw" should be curving downwards. Glue the arms into place, posing them the way you like - but glue them one right after the other, as they go into different ends of the same hole, and you don't want glue from one arm to harden before you insert the other arm.

The claw arms are in place