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The Finished Lions


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Stronty Girl Fezian writes:

I've had a spray W&N matt varnish – that's what the lions were done with, and as you can see it is more satin than matt. So I'm not sure I'd trust their brush on varnish.

I'm too impatient for brushing varnish anyway! grin

Revision Log
20 August 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Stronty Girl Fezian (AKA Amanda Kear) writes:

Stage 11:

Finally, I varnished the lionesses with Winsor & Newton Matt All Purpose Spray Varnish. Allegedly this is matt, but it actually leaves a slight satin finish to the minis.

Then a few "rocks" and some static grass to tart up the base, and these lion warcats are ready for battle!


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