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The Membership System is temporarily offline for maintenance. It should be restored shortly. unknown member writes: Ok, let's go for the second round of the TMP contest. This time, it's a Knight of Balance, a VOID 1.1 figure from i-Kore. As with the Celtos druidess, I will paint the figurine with Vallejo Model Color colors, and (rarely) with Citadel paints. I prefer that paint be heavily diluted, to produce a smooth surface. For shading and highlighting, it should have a milky consistency. Step 1 - PreparationAs with the druidess, I prepared the figure by removing mold lines with a cutter and a file. I removed the slot bar, and inserted a 0.5mm pin under each foot. Problem: This is a futuristic figurine - a subject of which I'm not a big fan. The model is supposed to carry a big gun on its back, which I really dislike. So, I decided to not use it, but that left a hole in the figure's back. I filled it with Milliput, and gave it some folds to match the coat. After that, I sanded the figure with 600-grit sandpaper. I finished by polishing it with a drilling machine and a brass brush. Then I washed it with a toothbrush, warm water and soap. After it was dry, I basecoated it using Citadel White spray paint. (During preparation, I also worked on the base - but I'll speak about that later.) Step 2 - The FleshThere are only a few flesh areas to paint on this model - hands, eyes, and ears. Base color was Flat Flesh (955) mixed with Medium Fleshtone (860) - 50/50 mix. Afterwards, I shaded in two steps by adding Orange Brown (981) to the base color. Then I highlighted by adding white to the base color. ![]() Step 3 - The HairFor the hair, I basecoated using a mix of Citadel Snakebite Leather and Flat Yellow (953) - 50/50 mix. Then I highlighted by adding Bleached Bone and Light Yellow (949) to the base, applying this in several steps, finishing with a pure mix of Bleached Bone and Light Yellow. Step 4 - The SuitI basecoated the figure with a mix of Orange Red (910) and Prussian Blue (965). I highlighted in several passes, first with pure Orange Red, then with Deep Orange (851). The final highlight was done by adding Light Yellow (949) to the Deep Orange. ![]() Step 5 - The CoatThe base color is a mix of Ochre Marron (856) and Flat Earth (983) - 40/60 mix. ![]() Shadows were done by adding Burnt Umber (941) to the base. For the highlights, Ochre Marron has been added to the base, finishing with pure Ochre Marron. ![]() For the inside of the coat, I wanted to try some freehand work. I painted the inside with a base color composed of Cam. Extra Dark Green (896) and Red Leather (818). I highlighted by adding Red Leather to the base, finishing with pure Red Leather. Then I basically painted freehand - according to my limited skills for this kind of technique - using Golden Brown (877). I finished with two glazes of Red Leather to unify the freehand work with the inside of the coat. Step 6 - The Armor PlatesThe base color is Green Ochre (914), highlighted by adding white to the base color, finishing with pure white. ![]() The "scratches" on the armor were simply done with two lines of paint - the upper one is a mix of Burnt Umber (941) and Green Ochre (914); the lower one is a mix of Green Ochre and White. ![]() Step 7 - The SwordsFor the blade, the base color was Neutral Grey (992), highlighted with the base color + white, and shaded with the base color + black. The gold parts are painted with Ochre Marron (856), highlighted by adding white, and shaded by adding black. Step 8 - The BaseAs I mentioned earlier, I did the base while I was preparing the figure. It's made with part of an old plastic truck. I cut out a circle of plastic from the truck, and glued it to the base with cyanoacrylate (superglue). Then I filed the plastic part to fit the shape of the base. I filled holes with Milliput, and finished by sanding the whole thing with 400-grit sandpaper. I basecoated with Citadel White spray paint (to have a clean surface). After that, I painted on Citadel Chaos Black, applying several layers of diluted paints (I didn't have any black spray paint!). I highlighted by adding Citadel Bleached Bone, with pure white for the edges. I finished up by giving a rusty effect, applying a wash of Citadel Vermin Fur and Bestial Brown. ConclusionThat's all! I hope these few explanations have been useful for you. I'm not a big fan of this particular figure, but it was an opportunity to learn new techniques. Hope I'll see you for Round 3 ;o) See the Finished Pictures |