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Three Hasslefree Adventurers: Dionne

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9 May 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Brush Strokes Fezian of Brush Strokes writes:

Next was Dionne - she would not take long. I gave the whole cat suit a covering of Plaka Black...

Dionne's catsuit - black basecoat

...then, by adding small amounts of Grey, picked out the details (such as straps and buckles on her boots) and gave some definition to the cat suit.

Dionne's catsuit - adding definition

(The images are not clear here, but you can see the different shades on the figure.)

Dionne's catsuit - finished

(While I was doing the cat suit, I painted Kat's hair black and Suzi's shoes.)

Dionne's hair was next, which was Plaka Red Brown as the basecoat; then adding Plaka Vermilion using the drybrush technique; and finally adding more Vermilion to get the final highlight.

Dionne's hair is done

Dionne's finished!