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Round Four Report from Rob Jedi - Part 4

Jaguar Strike Craft
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£15.00 GBP


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30 March 2004page first published

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Rob Jedi continues:

OK, now on to the actual vehicle. I primed it black first, then sprayed it with an old can of Dark Angels Green that I seem to have had forever. I gave it a day to dry and flatten out. Then I went over pretty much everything with Palmer Christmas Green, leaving the Dark Angels Green showing in cracks and areas that I preferred dark (like the seat).


I then took a nice, soft, wide brush and drybrushed everything Palmer Summer Green, and then a much lighter drybrush of Palmer Parrot Green.


After this, I did a wash of Christmas Green on the flat panels to smooth out the roughness of the drybrushing. I then made a wash of black paint and painted it into the joins between parts and along panel lines. I then cleaned up everything by hand. I used the edge of a regular bush with some Parrot Green to line the edges cleaner. I then mixed in some White to give an even sharper edge on some surfaces that needed it (like the leading edge of the top wing).

Well, that was 90% of the surface done...