For this round, I chose a Lao Hu. There were quite a few things in the minis box that would have been fun to try, but the boxiness of this mini really reminded me of the villains from Tron, the armies of Sark and the MCP.
It was a 3-piece mini, and assembled very easily. One thing I did differently, however, was to fill the base with brown stuff (Aluminite), so that I could sand the base-top smooth.

I primed the mini black.
I don't believe I mentioned my "primer of choice" so far in the contest, and I'd like to impart that now. I use Ace brand flat-black lacquer spray. I believe it's actually a Krylon spray, labeled for Ace Hardware stores.
I find the lacquer spray to be incredibly forgiving with details, as it dries very thin. It's also a very hard primer. In my tests, I actually had to purposely scrape at it with a blade in order to get any chipping results.
I highly recommend this spray for priming – I just wish there was a comparable white spray.

The figure would be composed of faintly glowing red lines and black empty areas. However, to achieve that bit of glow, I needed to get have a red-tinged black, so I basecoated the mini with Vallejo Red-Black.