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kezley writes: Round 3 for the Last Painter Standing - Vidar Wolf Helm. A very nice figure – he has the Viking look, so I decided to go with the Viking style. Preparing the miniatureNot much assembly needed on this figure. The arm sprue fits nicely, with no gap-filling needed. I put 2 pins under his leg and tabard so I can mount him later on the custom base. ![]() Painting the baseWith the wolf cloak, I'm thinking of a snow base. So I started with piling up the cork bits, glued the dried stalks - actually from a craft broom that I got from Michaels – pretty handy for terrain :-). Once the glue dried, I painted light grey to the cork and the stalks for basecoat on the snow. While waiting for the paint to dry, I mix the Hudson Allen slush snow powder with water to create a paste, and put the paste on top of the cork and put some on the stalks. ![]() Painting the skin and faceThis time, I want my Viking to have pinkish tone on the skin. Started with Vallejo Antique Rose, highlighted with Basic Skin Tone, followed with Pale Skin Tone. Then I painted the eye sockets with Vallejo Light Brown for shade. Ivory was then painted over the Light Brown. For the pupil, I painted Vallejo Dark Blue, highlighted with GW Ice Blue. ![]() Painting the fur cloakStarted with Vallejo Light Brown mixed with little bit of Burnt Umber. Then highlighted with Ivory – drybrushed over the basecoat – layer by layer, with the outer edge being the lightest color. ![]() Painting the beard and helmetI painted the beard using Vallejo Red Leather, followed by adding GW Fiery Orange to create a bright red, bearded Viking. Continued with painting black on the mask for basecoat. I used a new method for the mask. I mixed Vallejo Gun Metal (metallic paint) with Vallejo Neutral Grey, and the highlight was Vallejo Silver with Neutral Grey mix. So, it's MM/NMM mix, painted with NMM method. I don't know what to call that method :-) I'm pretty happy with the result. It still has the shine of metallic, but the nice, clean highlight of NMM in person. ![]() Painting the tunic and tabardI painted the tunic blue to contrast with the red beard. Basecoated with Vallejo Blue, highlighted with GW Ice Blue. Then I painted the border design with black, followed with GW Snakebite Leather and Bubonic Brown, with a touch of Ivory on the top and bottom for the final highlight. The tabard was painted by using the same MM/NMM mix method (Vallejo Gun Metal with Neutral Grey). ![]() The rest of the metallic objects on the figure - sword, hilt, bracelet - were also painted using the MM/NMM mix. I hope you all like him. I had fun experimenting with this new method on him. :-) See the Finished Pictures |