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Round Three Report from Kezley

Vidar Wolf Helm
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£4 GBP


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16 January 2004page first published

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kezley writes:

Round 3 for the Last Painter Standing - Vidar Wolf Helm. A very nice figure – he has the Viking look, so I decided to go with the Viking style.

Preparing the miniature

Not much assembly needed on this figure. The arm sprue fits nicely, with no gap-filling needed. I put 2 pins under his leg and tabard so I can mount him later on the custom base.

Pinning the figure

Painting the base

With the wolf cloak, I'm thinking of a snow base. So I started with piling up the cork bits, glued the dried stalks - actually from a craft broom that I got from Michaels – pretty handy for terrain :-). Once the glue dried, I painted light grey to the cork and the stalks for basecoat on the snow. While waiting for the paint to dry, I mix the Hudson Allen slush snow powder with water to create a paste, and put the paste on top of the cork and put some on the stalks.

Steps of creating the base

Painting the skin and face

This time, I want my Viking to have pinkish tone on the skin. Started with Vallejo Antique Rose, highlighted with Basic Skin Tone, followed with Pale Skin Tone.

Then I painted the eye sockets with Vallejo Light Brown for shade. Ivory was then painted over the Light Brown. For the pupil, I painted Vallejo Dark Blue, highlighted with GW Ice Blue.

Steps of painting the skin and face

Painting the fur cloak

Started with Vallejo Light Brown mixed with little bit of Burnt Umber. Then highlighted with Ivory – drybrushed over the basecoat – layer by layer, with the outer edge being the lightest color.

Steps of painting the wold pelt

Painting the beard and helmet

I painted the beard using Vallejo Red Leather, followed by adding GW Fiery Orange to create a bright red, bearded Viking.

Continued with painting black on the mask for basecoat. I used a new method for the mask. I mixed Vallejo Gun Metal (metallic paint) with Vallejo Neutral Grey, and the highlight was Vallejo Silver with Neutral Grey mix. So, it's MM/NMM mix, painted with NMM method. I don't know what to call that method :-)

I'm pretty happy with the result. It still has the shine of metallic, but the nice, clean highlight of NMM in person.

Painting the beard and helmet

Painting the tunic and tabard

I painted the tunic blue to contrast with the red beard. Basecoated with Vallejo Blue, highlighted with GW Ice Blue. Then I painted the border design with black, followed with GW Snakebite Leather and Bubonic Brown, with a touch of Ivory on the top and bottom for the final highlight.

The tabard was painted by using the same MM/NMM mix method (Vallejo Gun Metal with Neutral Grey).

Painting the tunic

The rest of the metallic objects on the figure - sword, hilt, bracelet - were also painted using the MM/NMM mix.

I hope you all like him. I had fun experimenting with this new method on him. :-)

See the Finished Pictures