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Round Three Report from Zaphod Beeblebrox - Part 2

Vidar Wolf Helm
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15 January 2004page first published

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Zaphod Beeblebrox continues:

I wanted to do something neat on the inside. I thought a pale skin color would be cool, so I used Bone White and did a little subtle shading by adding some Scar Red to the Bone White. Some highlights along the edge with a bit of white added was all it took. I really thought that cured animal flesh would be perfect for drawing on, or writing up a grocery list say, so I painted some "Bushman" glyphs on the inside using some thinned Citadel Brown Ink. I also wanted to get the hair done so I used a chocolate brown as a base color, and worked it up with some Bone White and white to achieve a very flaxen blonde hair color. The ties on his braided beard were done with GW Dark Angels Green, Snot Green and Scorpion Green. I also did the fingernails on the hands-piece, using my magnifying visor. I painted them Flat Brown first, then I did a tiny light Flesh mix nail in the center... Cool.

The cloak inside has been painted

Now I wanted to get the arms on soon, so I based the wolf pelt with Intermediate Blue and shaded the edges along the inside flesh-side with some Citadel Black Ink. I did a little darklining here too, using the Citadel Black Ink, watered a bit.

Wolf pelt has a base coat

Now this part really scared me for some reason. The last time I did a huge amount of fur, I simply drybrushed it. Nothing fancy at all. Well, I just couldn't do that here. It was already based with Intermediate Blue, so I lightly highlighted Wolf Grey over most of the pelt, and Bone White over the lower legs and around the jaw. Next, I shaded. I used Citadel Black Ink thinned down for the most part, and Smoke for around the legs, and up the sides. I wanted to get some brown in as well, not just grey. After ensuring this was dry, I went back and re-highlighted with the Bone White and Wolf Grey, blending over the darkened areas a little. Next came the white, and some final, brighter highlights finished it off. The muzzle took a little fiddling to look good, but I think it came out okay. I did the inside of the ears the same as the inside of the pelt, with the Bone White/Scar Red mix. Eye holes and nose were painted black.

Steps of painting the wolf pelt

Now I wanted all of the leather he was wearing to be darker, so I used Flat Brown for a base color, and picked out the raised parts of the boots and pouch with highlights, mixing in some Light Orange and a bit of white for the edges. The gems were nice. I really wanted some color here, to pop out, so I started with Scar Red as the base color. A very dark, pinky red. Mixing the highlights upwards, I added some Vermilion, Orange Red, and White for a pale-orangy highlight spot. So my reds go from a pinky to orangy, which I quite like. A small reflected light spot finishes them off. Under the belt is really highlighted for viewing I think, as the light can't really get it :(

All of the steel was painted in the NMM style, using colors from Black/Prussian Blue mix, through Intermediate Blue to White. I did the bracelet really shiny with a bit of a Sky-Earth shine to it, and the rest more subdued. The blade was really fun. The underside is also gradated, though darker than the top. The runes on the sword were shaded with Smoke. Lastly, I had to do the wold teeth and claws. I started out with Flat Brown and Citadel Brown Ink, and shaded towards the tips, through Snakebite Leather, Bone White, and a hint of white. The wolf teeth are very small, so I stuck to three layers. I think. Maybe four.

The details are complete

Lastly, I did the base by making a small rock slab for him to stand on out of Kneadatite, and then I painted the base inside using GW Ice Blue mixed up through white. I wanted to give the impression of icy, cold arctic water. Once the paint was dry, I used clear craft glue and leveled off each side with it. Once dry, the glue is shiny and looks quite bone-chillingly cold :D

The base is done

See the Finished Pictures