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Battlefront's BA-6 - The Finished Models

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$8 USD


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DontFearDareaper Fezian writes:

The chalk is pretty easy to get. You can get it at any art supply or hobby center like Michaels or Hobby Lobby. It comes in a variety of colors so you can go for a variety of different dusty or muddy looks. I think the effect looks more realistic than dry brushing and the difference is even more noticable in larger scales like 28mm.


Revision Log
5 September 2006page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

DontFearDareaper Fezian of Lone Star Historical Miniatures writes:

That's about it! I hope you found this article useful. Here's one last look at all the models painted up:

The finished models
The finished models