I began by painting the jacket and shirt VMC German Field Grey, and the skirt and hat GW Regal Blue. The socks are a mix of VMC Dark Grey and VMC German Cam Black Brown. The blues were brought up through GW Enchanted Blue to GW Ice Blue, then highlighted up to white. The shirt was brought up toward C Putrid Green, and then white was added.

I wanted her flesh color to stand out from that of the Angars. I started with VMC Leather Brown, then highlighted up toward VMC USA-Tan Earth. Then I continued on with GW Bronzed Flesh. I put VMC German Orange at the joints and cheeks, then highlighted with a mix of GW Elf Flesh and VMC Pale Sand. I must say, I'm really pleased with the result. The difference is subtle, but I think it brings across her Japanese ethnicity.

Pleased with the flesh, I couldn't wait to do the eyes and get the full effect. Black, then VMC Light Grey and a little white (overly white eyes look really fake, IMO). Then, dotted with black using a stipple technique. Many tiny dots make up the one black-eye-dot that you see. Use plenty of retarder - otherwise, the paint will dry on the brush.
I've tried and failed to "brush" on a pupil. The paint is drying so fast, and it is so difficult to get a precise brush motion that puts the eye in the right place. Most often, rectangular pupils and crossed eyes are the result. Even with the stippling technique, I sometimes have to go back in with white + grey and do it again.
Noodle wears blue eye shadow, so I couldn't resist. I love the final look.
I felt the RAF badge was essential. It's actually pretty tricky getting the circles perfectly lined up. I started with the outside color and moved inward. Each circle begins with a darker color, and ends with the final top-color you see. This gives each layer the depth and definition it needs to stand apart from the next layer. I used a stippling technique, and had to give-and-take a little when the circle I had just painted turned out not to be exactly centered. The end result was well worth the effort, though. In the end, the tiny detail of the button speaks volumes about who Priscilla is.
The shoes are C Bestial Brown, up to C Snakebite Leather, up to C Leprous Brown to VMC Pale Sand. The sock garters are GW Red Gore, then a pink made from GW Red Gore and white. (I've since picked up a new pink paint, but at the time I didn't have one.) Then, up to white. The copper details are a mix of VMC USA-Tan Earth and a tiny bit of red, then highlighted up to white. The gloves are C Warlock Purple, highlighted with a little white added.

The katana was painted from reference pictures of real katanas in neutral-grey NMN technique. Then, once all the highlights were finished, I gave the edge-half of the sword a very faint Sky Blue wash, and the bottom half an equally faint brown wash. This is a new technique I tried out here for the first time, but the results are fantastic.
I have to state: I am not at all a fan of what's called SENMN or "sky-earth non-metallic metals," because so often the result is so outlandish and unrealistic. These faint washes, on the other hand, give the impression of the outdoors but in a subtle way that doesn't call immediate attention to itself.

The skateboard top is red, mixed up to an orange made of VMC Vermilion and C Leprous Brown, then washed with orange ink and highlighted again. The back is a lavender made of GW blues and reds. The side of the board is painted to look like bare wood. It's VMC Leather Brown, up to C Snakebite Leather highlighted toward VMC Pale Sand. The wheels are pink, and then made to look dirty with washes and drybrushes of grays and browns.
(In the pics, you can see failed attempts to scuff up the rest of the board. Eventually I went with a clean look for the board that you can see in the pic below.)