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DIY Flight Stands: Assembling the Bases


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17 January 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Blind Old Hag Fezian writes:

Materials required:

X2 Hex Nuts
X1 Machine Screw
Fender washer

Start by inserting a machine screw through the hole in the fender washer, and secure it in place using one of the hex nuts.

Using the pliers, grasp the hex nut and hold firmly.

Grasp the hex nut firmly

Using the thumb of the same hand, position the fender washer so it is centered on the screw, and hold in place.

Hold the washer in place

Tighten the machine screw using the screwdriver.

Tighten the machine screw

Then add the second hex nut.

Add the second hex nut

Next, place a large washer flat on the table, and put a few drops of CA glue around the washer between the hole and the edge.

Glue the washer

By using the eyeball method, carefully center and place the fender washer with the screw and hex nuts on top of the washer. You only have one chance, so make sure the fender washer is centered.

Center the fender washer

That's the finished base:

The finished base