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Hasslefree's Morgan & Tony

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£3.50 GBP

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£3.50 GBP

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Beowulf Fezian writes:

Really nice job!

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5 March 2009page first published

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Minidragon Fezian of Mini-Dragon writes:

Today, we've got two very nice figures from Hasslefree. I've got to let everyone know at this point just how much I enjoy Kevin White's style of sculpting; with clean lines and not a lot of clutter, these figures are a painter's dream! Great job once more, Mr. White!!!


Photos of the unpainted miniatures are used with permission from Hasslefree Miniatures - thanks, Sally!


I forgot to take progress shots of these figures while I painted them, so I've got some close-ups to show off the various parts. Hopefully, the very close perspective will help you see what I'm talking about.

I basecoated both of these figures with Partha Paints Galedon Tan. This color is a nice "computer case" beige kind of color that helps the detail show up, and can be covered very easily.

I don't typically prime my figures, though I suppose you could consider this the primer coat - I find most paints stick to the metal just as well as most primers, so why bother?

We'll look at the faces and hair first. My method is to paint the face, highlight it up, and then paint in the eyes, lips, and eyebrows (though I don't always paint on eyebrows). My method for eyes is to fill the socket with a very dark mix of the base skin color and black. Next, I paint the eyeball an ivory color, and finish by carefully painting in the iris. Sometimes I put a tiny white or ivory dot on the iris as a reflection... but I couldn't get that right on either of these guys, so I left it out in the end.

Morgan's face
Tony's face

For hair, I start with a dark version of the final color, and paint on lines of a lighter mix until I'm happy with the result, I try to pay attention to how light would create highlights and duplicate these - reference shots of shiny hair are very useful!

Morgan's hair