I then randomly picked out parts on their bodies and weapons with either Maroon or Copper.

Next, I painted the cybernetic-eye lens, the lightsword blades, and the middle part of the pistols Dark Angels Green. The floor was then brushed with Dark Brown with a little extra water in it - this way, the coating would mottle and not be uniform. I see the Necrovores as scavengers who don't keep things neat and tidy. This won't be seen alone, but will work with the Copper drybrush I will give it later.

Each squad has one quadrant of the floor painted Bubonic Brown. This will help later, when it gets a coating of Yellow for the construction chevrons I want to give them.
Picking Out The Details
The Maroon details were picked out with Red. The Bubonic Brown was highlighted with a single pass of Yellow. Again, I want the floors to have a worn look.
To continue with the "makeshift" theme, the Dark Brown floor areas were drybrushed Copper. Irregular black stripes were added to the Yellow floor panels.
If you want neat stripes, you will need to get out the masking tape, ruler and hobby knife. Roll out a straight piece of tape onto a cutting board. Mark off the thickness of strip you want, and use the ruler as a guide when cutting. You now have uniform strips you can place and readjust as needed.
Lastly, a stripe of black was run around the edge of each base.
While I took pictures of it all, my camera can't zoom in tight enough on such tiny details as the eyes. I made some diagrams of what I did along with explaining and photographing it.

The cybernetic-eye lenses were given a dot of Shamrock Green first. Then a small dot of Light Green was added between the 1 and 2 o'clock positions for a reflected light effect.

The Dark Angels Green on the pistols were given a thin strip of Shamrock Green, followed by a thinner strip of Yellow to pick out what I thought could be a glowing power chamber on the guns.
The lengths of the lightsword blades were drybrushed Shamrock Green. Then drybrushed Light Green from hilt to 2/3 of the way up the blade. Lastly, a thin band of Yellow was drybrushed near the hilt.

Painting lightswords is not my favorite thing, but only because I've yet to find a way I like to do it. I've seen them painted in a 2D way where the glow is painted down the middle of the blade, but that only looks good from the front. I tried to go the diminishing glow route.
Once the blades were done, I finished the ornate hilts on the swords each in Ivory, Copper or Red.