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Blue Table Paints Two Simian Javelin Corps

Javelin Corps (2)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$7.50 USD

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Filbanto writes:

I think the paint job is pretty decent. It is much better than the gang figures Blue Table painted a few months back. I agree with the other folks about the color scheme and the odd turquois color around the edge of the base.

Revision Log
11 June 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Jay of Blue Table Painting writes:

Simians Project Writeup

  1. Based models in white primer, then basecoated models in Krylon Ultra-Flat Black
  2. Drybrushed models w/ Vallejo Neutral Grey.
  3. Drybrushed models w/ 75%/25% mix of Vallejo Neutral Grey/Vallejo Light Grey.
  4. Drybrushed models with 50%/50% mix of Vallejo Neutral Grey/Vallejo Light Grey.
  5. Drybrushed models with 25%/75% mix of Vallejo Neutral Grey/Vallejo Light Grey.
  6. Drybrushed models with Vallejo Light Grey.
  7. Divided models into 2 squads, A and B.
  8. Painted Squad A tunics in Vallejo Brown Sand.
  9. Drybrushed Squad A tunics in 50%/50% Vallejo Brown Sand/Vallejo Tan Yellow.
  10. Painted Squad B tunics in Vallejo Cavalry Brown.
  11. Drybrushed Squad B tunics in 50%/50% Vallejo Cavalry Brown/Vallejo Carmine Red.
  12. Painted chest armor and helmets (both squads) in Vallejo Bronze.
  13. Painted Squad A straps in Vallejo Beastie Brown. (Game Color)
  14. Painted Squad B straps in Vallejo Black.
  15. Painted Squad A helmet trim in Vallejo Oily Steel.
  16. Painted Squad B helmet trim in GW Goblin Green.
  17. Painted all spear shafts (both squads) in Vallejo Saddle Brown.
  18. Painted noses and lips (both squads) in Vallejo Pale GreyBlue.
  19. Painted speartips (both squads) in Vallejo Gunmetal Grey.
  20. Painted Squad A belts in Vallejo Glorious Gold. (Game Color)
  21. Painted Squad B belts in Vallejo Jade Green. (Game Color)
  22. Applied BTP Black Glaze over entire model (both squads).
  23. Highlighted Squad A tunics in 50%/50% Vallejo Brown Sand/Vallejo Tan Yellow.
  24. Highlighted Squad B tunics in 50%/50% Vallejo Cavalry Brown/Vallejo Carmine Red.
  25. Highlighted Squad A straps in 50%/50% Vallejo Beastie Brown/Vallejo Saddle Brown.
  26. Highlighted Squad B straps in Ceramcoat Charcoal Grey.
  27. Painted teeth (both squads) in Vallejo Offwhite.
  28. Highlighted teeth (both squads) in Vallejo Foundation White.
  29. Washed Squad A belts with BTP Bone Glaze.
  30. Washed Squad B belts with BTP Green Glaze.
  31. Highlighted Squad A belts with Glorious Gold. (Game Color)
  32. Highlighted Squad B belts with Vallejo Jade Green. (Game Color)
  33. Highlighted Squad A belts with 50%/50% Glorious Gold/Vallejo Gold.
  34. Highlighted Squad B belts with 50%/50% Vallejo Jade Green/Vallejo Foundation White.
  35. Highlighted spear shafts (both squads) with 50%/50% Vallejo Saddle Brown/Vallejo Tan Yellow.
  36. Highlighted spear tips (both squads) with 50%/50% Vallejo Gunmetal Grey/Vallejo Chainmail.
  37. Painted strip on spear shafts (both squads) with Vallejo Ultramarine Blue. (Game Color)
  38. Painted bases in Vallejo Deep Green.
  39. Applied GW static grass to base tops.
  40. Double-matte coated models - first with Krylon Matte Finish, then Testors Dullcote.


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Simian javelineer
Simian javelineer
Simian javelineer
Simian javelineer
Simian javelineers

Size Comparison

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"Simian with Obelisk African warrior"

Here we see the Simian posed next to a Darkest African Fantasy 28mm model from Obelisk Miniatures.