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Largo, Maryland (Andy T.)

The Gargoyle
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$2.50 USD


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Wyatt the Odd Fezian writes:

Its most likely too late, but if Randolph wanted to send the box to me (I'm also in So. Cal), I could paint up something (or have something painted).

If not, I'll wait until the next time.


Revision Log
29 March 2006page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Intrepid 80 Days participant Andy T., of Largo, MD, files this report from his sickbed:

I came into this project with high hopes, which were thoroughly dashed! Peter handed the box off to me at Cold Wars. Just prior to the show, I had 2 root canals. Once back home, I went in to get the permanent crowns, which they screwed up and glued in without seating properly, so 2 hours and a numb mouth later, I am sent on my way, still missing my permanent crowns, but with the added advantage of plenty of pain!

Also, while at Cold Wars, I managed to injure my wrist, and painting has proven to be a bit too painful at this time. I am scheduled for x-rays next week.

So, while my intention was to definitely paint one of the figures from the box, I ended up putting in an extra figure I painted last year. It is a Sub Roman British Cavalryman.

The Gargoyle (catalog picture)

I took a fig from the box - The Gargoyle, from Rattrap Productions. He will paint up well when I am back in shape to properly wield a brush!

I tried to Overnight the box to Mike, but he has a PO box, so I wasn't able - but with any luck, he will receive it today or Saturday! I included $5 USD in the package to help pay for a quicker mail service to the next entrant.

Thanks for letting me in on the fun, and I really wish that I could have actually painted something from the box rather than using one of my extras, but you do what you can...


We all hope Andy feels better soon, and we're looking forward to the next report!