I came into this project with high hopes, which were thoroughly dashed! Peter handed the box off to me at Cold Wars. Just prior to the show, I had 2 root canals. Once back home, I went in to get the permanent crowns, which they screwed up and glued in without seating properly, so 2 hours and a numb mouth later, I am sent on my way, still missing my permanent crowns, but with the added advantage of plenty of pain!
Also, while at Cold Wars, I managed to injure my wrist, and painting has proven to be a bit too painful at this time. I am scheduled for x-rays next week.
So, while my intention was to definitely paint one of the figures from the box, I ended up putting in an extra figure I painted last year. It is a Sub Roman British Cavalryman.
I took a fig from the box - The Gargoyle, from Rattrap Productions. He will paint up well when I am back in shape to properly wield a brush!
I tried to Overnight the box to Mike, but he has a PO box, so I wasn't able - but with any luck, he will receive it today or Saturday! I included $5 USD in the package to help pay for a quicker mail service to the next entrant.
Thanks for letting me in on the fun, and I really wish that I could have actually painted something from the box rather than using one of my extras, but you do what you can...