What would zombies be without gore?
For these zombies, it was a little difficult to determine how to paint the gore. None of these zombies look like they came out of a grave. Some of them are shot up or beaten up a bit, but this could have happened post-mortem.
I decided the most likely cause of zombification was some sort of plague, which struck down ordinarly people in the normal course of their daily lives. I also decided that they had all eaten fairly recently, consuming the flesh of the living. They also bled profusely when injured.
That decided, I used lots of washes of Hull Red, often lightening up to Flat Red, to simulate the blood. For deep wounds, I mixed some brown and black into the Hull Red for a darker shade.
As this was also a general detailing phase, I did some final highlighting of hair texture, picked out the various metallic implements in appropriate metal shades, painted protruding tongues, etc.