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Round Two Report from Rob Jedi - Part 3

Knight of the Balance
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£3.50 GBP


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17 December 2003page first published

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Rob Jedi continues:

I started out by painting the body glove and armour plates in a very deep blue, which I highlighted up to Enchanted Blue (GW). This was done all over, with the armour plates highlighted around the edges.

Next comes the fun stuff. I painted the sword blades Hobgoblin Orange (old GW) - to make it easier for me to see the light sources - then used Brilliant Red (Palmer Prism) and painted it straight on to the areas facing the blade.

Stage one

The most handy hint while doing this is to hold the mini in just one direction with the light source closest to you, and just paint anything you can see from that perspective.

Stage two

This was relatively easy with the sword held vertically since it lights most of the body.

Stage three

The sword in his left hand was a bit trickier due to its angle, but it basically lit up the lower left leg and the under-edges of the gun (of course, I'll get to the gun later).

Stage four

So basic rule of thumb here is to thin the paint and think carefully where the light goes. You'll be highlighting these same areas from here on, so get 'em right initially.

Stage five

Once I had the red areas in, I highlighted the edges facing the swords with Hobgoblin Orange, then in a very few areas very close to the blades I used some Sunburst Yellow (GW). The jacket was done in the same way as the armour (this would be smoothed out later).