So I had two Crucible Dwarf miniatures - on to build an army!
My first quest was to go on eBay and obtain a copy of the Crucible core rulebook - no longer in print, but as it turns out, pretty easy to find...

Now that I had the rules and Dwarf army list, I went back on eBay to see if I could pick up any of the minis cheap. (Yes, I know the minis are available from Iron Wind Metals and from Ral Partha Europe, but I was being thrifty...) This turned out to be a hit-and-miss proposition. I found I could easily pick up a few of the various figures, but not in the quantities to build most of the larger units.
However, I did succeed in quickly picking up the maximum allowed number of Dwarf Ornithopters! So I sent these boxed sets off to Steve at the Hoard Painting Studio - asking him to paint them in the same style as before, and to make them useful as squadrons of 2's or 3's...