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Rob Jedi continues: Time for the PilotAs I said earlier, I planned to make this look like Thunderbirds, so the obvious colouring was a light-blue jumpsuit. I had been tempted all the way through to sculpt long sleaves and a sash. I guess I liked the look of the pilot, so I left him the way he is. ![]() I painted the undershirt Medium Grey, then highlighted it with Ash Grey and some white. Then I painted the boots and gloves. I started with Charcoal Grey, highlighting with Medium Grey, and then darkening it all with Armour Wash. I then added some spot highlights on the knuckles. I painted all the laces individually with Medium Grey, then highlighted them with Ash Grey. Next were the skin areas. They weren't very defined, so a simple paint job. I painted them with Vermin Fur mixed with Dwarf Flesh, then Dwarf Flesh, then highlighted with Elf Flesh. I also did a very slight wash of Burnt Umber. The eyes were painted black, then the white added, then the pupils in black. I then did the underside of the cap with black, which trimmed back the eye area. I painted the hair with Burnt Umber. The microphone was picked out with black, then the mic part painted Medium Grey and the rest Boltgun Metal. Only the jumpsuit left to go. I started with a base of Lightning Bolt Blue. I was then attacked by some bad yoghurt I had eaten - that, and it was 3 in the morning... Next day I highlighted the blue with Baltic Blue, then Baltic Blue mixed with white ink, then more white. I highlighted mostly on the knees and the top and rim of his cap. I then added in some dark shadows with Moody Blue. OK - main parts done. I painted the turned-back parts of his clothes (pants, sleaves, and collar) Palmer Soldier Blue, then highlighted that with white mixed with Soldier Blue. After that, there was just the joysticks to do. I painted them Boltgun Metal, then painted in some triggers at the front and thumb buttons in black, then dotted them with white, then Scarlet. ![]() I now glued everything together with Zap-a-Gap. Now that it was all together, I realised it needed a little something I added some lettering to the front of the arm rests. I looked up the i-Kore catalogue number for the Jaguar and painted that on the right, then JAG (short for Jaguar) on the left. OK - a couple coats of Testors Dull Coat and it's all FAB. ![]() Hope I haven't been too long-winded, and hope you enjoyed reading what went into this beastie. Now please don't vote me out, and I'll see you all in the next round. (The next one is a cool model, too - I can picture the paint scheme already...) See the Finished Pictures |