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Chainmail Ogre: The Painting

Ogre Delver
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RocketToad writes:

I prefer the Ogre.
Nice model.

Revision Log
23 October 2007page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

fieldarchy Fezian of Meg's Miniatures writes:


Since this mini was done rather quickly, I performed a lot of shortcuts. I basecoated using the midtone colors. That way, I could glaze in the shadows, and then add two or three rounds of highlights. This works much quicker than highlighting from shadow color, though I feel it's less precise. It tends to look a bit sloppier, in my opinion. So, I utilized glazes - which are just more precise washes - to shade and highlight basecoats.

Paint Recipes


Renaissance Ink Medium Grey
Highlight 1:
Renaissance Ink Medium Grey + RMS Linen White
Highlight 2:
Renaissance Ink Medium Grey + 2 RMS Linen White
RMS Grey Liner applied as a glaze

Belt, Cloth, and Fur

2 Renaissance Ink Bright Red + 1 Renaissance Ink Black
Highlight 1:
3 Renaissance Ink Bright Red + 1 Renaissance Ink Black
Highlight 2:
Renaissance Ink Bright Red
RMS Brown Liner applied as a glaze


RMS Shadowed Steel
RMS Polished Silver
Basecoat in RMS Tanned Leather, with a wash of Brown Liner.


Renaissance Ink Black
Highlight 1:
3 Renaissance Ink Black + 1 RMS Linen White

Gold Metals:

Renaissance Ink Metallic Gold


RMS Snow Shadow
RMS Pure White — several applications of drybrushing, concentrating more highlights
on the areas that are raised.


RMS Pale Buckskin
Highlight 1:
RMS Pale Buckskin + Linen White
Highlight 2:
RMS Pale Buckskin + 3 Linen White
Highlight 3:
RMS Linen White
Work-in-progress #1
Work-in-progress #1 (back)
Work-in-progress #2
Work-in-progress #2 (back)
Work-in-progress #3
Work-in-progress #3 (back)


Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian specifically asked for a "dungeon base" on this guy. So, I set out sculpting my first base ever. It was a good experience, and I realized a lot about working with greenstuff. I used sculpting tools from a kit that Sculptor Gene Van Horne had given me. I applied a layer of greenstuff, and worked on getting it as smooth as possible. Then I started cutting segments to make it look tiled. I was very satisfied with the way it came out.

I painted the base in black, and then drybrushed different colors over it to give it some texture. I applied RMS Stone Grey, RMS Shadowed Steel, RMS Midnight Blue, and RMS Snow Shadow. I did several applications of each color until I was happy with the results.

Finished Ogre
Finished Ogre (back)