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For the fourth time, the readers of TMP have voted...and this time Zaphod Beeblebrox has been eliminated from the contest. One of the privileges of being "voted out" is the chance to make an exit speech. I also invited him to predict who the contest winner will be...and who will be the next one voted-out! Here is what Zaphod Beeblebrox writes: Well, it seems the time has come for me to leave this awesome contest. First, I want to say a thank you to Bill for all his efforts with the contest (as well as maintaining his most entertaining and informative site), to i-Kore (turned Urban-Mammoth) for sponsoring the contest and providing us all with an awesome selection and quality of miniatures (not to mention that great golden trophy at the end), and most of all, to the fans and voters who helped make the contest so much fun - with votes, comments and inspiration to try harder! A Brief History of Zaphod in Miniature...![]() I have found that my painting "career" has been both long and interesting. I started painting many years ago - probably 20, actually. Of course, there were long periods where I did little painting or none at all. I had begun to paint much more in recent years, mainly to entertain the players in my D&D group. I was a master of the group. Almost uncanny was my ability to draw eyes across the table towards the new troll I presented to fight the party... Then I discovered the stunning world of on-line miniature painters.... ![]() Well, maybe 3 years ago, I discovered the worldwide internet community of painters. I was blown away, to say the least! Not just the amazing skill levels, but some of the techniques were simply mind-blowing! The best thing about it was that I tried new things, and decided somewhere along the way I could catch up! ![]() I began learning amazing new things, and my painting jumped forward in leaps and bounds! I really enjoy learning and trying new things, and the next step along the road was cash. Yeah, I could make some cash! Why not? So I began trying some commissions. The first were cumbersome, and paid very poorly, but I found it gave me a chance to practice speed, accuracy, and not to mention, I got to try groovy things on someone else's figures! ![]() This was awesome once I got the hang of pricing and got a few new clients. As you can see, it allowed me to go "out there" in some respects with what I consider classic fantasy stuff. The enxt big step was NMM (non-metallic metals). Now this isn't everyone's bag, but I find that a super-quality piece simply looks stunning in real when the NMM is done perfectly! Just taste, I suppose, but I like it in many cases! So much practicing later, and many "grey" figures after, I figured out (and am still experimenting) some acceptable looking NMM. ![]() I think now I am getting pretty well known, and some really cool opportunities are coming up! Getting work from Dark Age was a nice bonus, and soon I will have some Hasslefree figures done, as well as Tactical Miniatures stuff. The competition front has really been busy as well, as my own brain-child, the Golden Toadstool Championship is nearly due (**begin spam** April 15th on Masterclass Yahoo group **end spam**), and represents my latest work and a return to metallics! ![]() TMP and Last Painter StandingIt's a little funny, but I kind of think that the Last Painter Contest is a sort of culmination of all this... It just goes to prove, that I' loser :D... Just kidding! What I mean to say is that it has been a great opportunity to compete alongside some of the best and most diverse painters out there! The differences in technique and style are quite obvious, and all of them are extremely skilled! A few of the folks I have known for some time now. Joe (Minidragon) is almost a simulacrum of myself in painting terms I think. Lili (kezley) I have talked to for some time, though not lately :( and I have marvelled at the improvement in her skills. I have never "talked" to Rob Jedi, but I have known his work since I first joined mini-painter several years ago. The rest, I am pleased to have met. I have some hearty conversations right here on TMP with many of you, and some (bounide) have made me very pleased with private comments! I guess I am saying that it has been wonderful to share and learn alongside these other greats! I have never had an experience like this before, and it was well worth it! Briefly, some of the points I really liked about this contest included:
Some things I didn't like:
Predictions?I think that in the end, since there can be only one, Joe (Minidragon) is gonna take it. It's gonna be close, but I feel it will be Joe vs Rob in the final round. gurney will go next. I am thinking the next figure may break him, not that it is not to be taken lightly! I know the level at which all these folks are working right now, and getting the boot is nothing to be ashamed of! For me, it has been great. I want to thank everyone who didn't vote for me, especially in the last round, when my true vision came through at the cost of the contest for me! I also want to thank the other competitors for pushing me, and in the end, I know more folks and I may have new business contacts, so I am just thrilled to have even been in there! Please visit my website: The Miniature Painting Guild. It features my minis, some fellow painter's works, and a special gallery of Erol Otus artwork and miniatures! Also, don't forget about my Crappy Mini or Not gallery, and feel free to contribute! You may also check out my Ebay auctions, or if you are looking for some creative top end work, drop me a mail at Thanks again, to Everyone! |