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Round Five Report from Rob Jedi - Part 3

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30 April 2004page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Rob Jedi continues:

After this, I started getting some flesh colour onto the underside of the beastie with some Elf Flesh - I did this first on the front foot on the ground. I then mixed Scaly Green into the Elf Flesh and washed over it, and then straight Scaly Green, and then highlights again with Elf Flesh.

Starting the underbelly

I then tried doing the same on the underside and inside of the legs. This is the part where things just didn't want to after lightening up the underside with white, and trying to blend all of the multi-blues and green into the pinkish flesh, I gave up on that and started just doing light versions of the colours the tail got a lighter blue, and the body became light green.

Light versions of the colours, instead

Then arms and legs were redone again with Deep Teal, Scaly Green and Enchanted Blue, and highlighted with white mixed into the colour, and successive lighter and lighter layers added.

The re-done underbelly

I tried to sort out the feet again with the flesh blend, but starting with Soldier Blue, then over-painted with Scaly Green...which led to me going back to how I did the first foot! I mixed Elf Flesh into Scaly Green, then used more Elf Flesh to highlight the knuckles, and more Green to blend it into the leg.

Sorting out the feet

Now I started highlighting the head with lighter scales, by mixing Vomit Brown with white, and dotting them along the lips and over the head. I then started doing scales along the length of the body, using them to blend one area into the next by overlapping neighbouring areas with spots of the last area's colour.

Adding scales