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Round Five Report from Rob Jedi - Part 8

Blood Reaver
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30 April 2004page first published

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Rob Jedi continues:

The rider

OK, now for the rider. After all the complexity of the Reaver, the rider was plain simple. I started him off by painting the flesh Forged Iron (no, it's not a metallic). This was followed by Parrot Green, and more Parrot Green, then Parrot Green mixed with white.

Highlighted with Parrot Green and white

Then washes of Parrot Green to add more colour back to the white. I decided to bring a bit of the Reaver's colour into the rider by adding Vomit Brown to the hands (I guess I was inspired by Rackham here - they seem to have blends on everything). I blended it into his forearms, and highlighted his hands with white mixed into Vomit Brown.

Blending brown into the hands

Was about this point I noticed I was rubbing off the primer, with all the handling of the rider I was doing while painting him. So I pulled out the Dremel and - holding the mini with some tissues - I drilled a hole underneath him, so I could put in a temp bit of rod and hold him with a pin vice. What I hadn't thought possible was the heat of the drilling would cause the paint on his legs to melt and stick to the tissue - ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHH! OK, let mini cool, scrape off melted area, paint legs all over again. Lesson learnt for future.