Back to ROUND FIVE REPORT FROM ROB JEDI - PART 7 Back to Workbench
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Rob Jedi continues: ![]() OK, now for the rider. After all the complexity of the Reaver, the rider was plain simple. I started him off by painting the flesh Forged Iron (no, it's not a metallic). This was followed by Parrot Green, and more Parrot Green, then Parrot Green mixed with white. ![]() Then washes of Parrot Green to add more colour back to the white. I decided to bring a bit of the Reaver's colour into the rider by adding Vomit Brown to the hands (I guess I was inspired by Rackham here - they seem to have blends on everything). I blended it into his forearms, and highlighted his hands with white mixed into Vomit Brown. ![]() Was about this point I noticed I was rubbing off the primer, with all the handling of the rider I was doing while painting him. So I pulled out the Dremel and - holding the mini with some tissues - I drilled a hole underneath him, so I could put in a temp bit of rod and hold him with a pin vice. What I hadn't thought possible was the heat of the drilling would cause the paint on his legs to melt and stick to the tissue - ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHH! OK, let mini cool, scrape off melted area, paint legs all over again. Lesson learnt for future. |