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8th Army Shermans: Last Steps


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Heedless Horseman Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Looks Good to me! Although I don't actually DO much at the mo, I have come round to the view that for painting, 'Do As You Please', is just that…PLEASING!
There ARE exceptions, lol…and you may look back, later, and wish you'd done the exact shades of camo for a particular unit at a particular time in a particular area and modelled that particular tank exactly as in the photo…BUT ENJOY YOURSELF NOW!

It can be too easy to get 'bogged down' by 'correctness', when what is needed are tanks on the table.
LOL! Look at how much time was taken to apply Zimmerit by the Germans, when it's only useful function is to annoy modellers! ;) Have Fun! :)

Revision Log
16 July 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Beowulf Fezian writes:

I gave the tanks a coat of gloss clear varnish. This seals the ink, which is not water resistant, and protects the paintjob.

Battlefront's 8th Army transfers were applied at this stage.

The last step was to apply flat varnish to kill the unwanted shine from the tanks.

Sherman III
Sherman III
Sherman III

Now this Desert Rat platoon is ready to show those Jerries a thing or two!


I hope you find this article useful, and prompts you to dig out those figures and start painting!

Battlefront's Sherman III models are available in several different sets, including the British 8th Army Motor Company boxed set from which these were taken.