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The Army for Bill: Warband #1


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Ratbone writes:

I can hardly recall what the wife and I painted, I remember painting a plaid like that a couple years ago, but I don't want to take credit for that. I think mine was not nearly so well-done. Real nice plaid lines though. I'm fairly certain I got my name on mine.

Revision Log
2 August 2007page first published

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So here's the first warband stand for the Army of Bill:

Warband stand #1

The Basing

As before, I'm adapting WAB-sized based to DBx unit sizes. Here you can see the movement tray a bit better:

Showing the movement tray

The tray is simply a Litko heavy wooden base of the correct size, with a rubbery "flex steel" sheet of the same size laid down on top. Then I took craft sticks (i.e., Popsicle sticks) - which, conveniently, are 10mm wide - and used them (painted and flocked) as spacers. Since this is a warband, I wanted to keep the figures from forming a straight line.

Movement tray

Figure #1

Virtualscratchbuilder's warrior with spear

Here's the warrior from Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian. And here's a better look at his shield:

Virtualscratchbuilder's shield

And, as you can see, he follows directions well - his name is signed on the back!

The signature of excellence

Figure #2

Bald guy

Here's another of my favorites - enough of those young studs on the battlefield, let's see the old bald guys!

Bald guy from the side

There's no name on this one, so will the artist please identify himself?

Figure #3

Saflex's warrior

Here's a swordsman from Saflex. This one came pre-based, with the artist's name on the bottom*:


* Which means he doesn't stick magnetically to the movement tray, so I have to keep a special eye on him!

Thanks, guys!