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Warmodelling 20mm WWII Finnish Basing Walkthrough

Finnish Infantry
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
€19.50 EUR

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rvandusen Supporting Member of TMP writes:

I have those Warmodelling figures from back when they were made by Fantassin. I found they were a good match with the 20mm Finns by Eureka. Too bad no one got around to making a decent set of 20mm metal Russians for the Winter War dressed in greatcoat, shlem, and/or 1936 helmets. Only Strelets made some in soft plastic that was aggravating to work with.

Revision Log
23 June 2009page first published

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Toby Thornton of Artmaster Studio writes:

For basing the 20mm Fantassin Finnish from our previous article, we contacted Martin at Warbases and got him to make us two diorama bases/movement trays. These had 20mm-diameter-sized indents to allow free placement of the infantry. We also had an extra slot, so we could add a terrain/scenery element to the base. These trays are fantastic for customising scenes, as you can pretty much put what you want where you want. The infantry themselves are based on 20mm-diameter-sized 2mm MDF bases that fit snugly into the recesses, but also allow you to game with them.

Wood base
Wood base

The materials you will need for this basing method are:

  • an artists trowel for applying filler
  • brown wood filler (or white - you could always add brown paint into the filler before you apply)
  • fine brown ballast
  • wood/PVA glue
  • modelling snow
  • cream paint
  • chisel-ended brush (for drybrushing)
  • old brush for applying glue
  • coffee jar lid/container for wood glue