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Round Six Report from Garness-at-Home - Part 7

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£12.50 GBP


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7 July 2004page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian struggles to complete his SISI truck force.

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2,888 hits since 7 Jul 2004
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Dread Pirate Garness Fezian continues:

The window canopy was painted using Prussian Blue as the base color. I then added Ceramcoat Blue Heaven (a light-blue color) to the base color, and built up the color of the windows. I then painted the corners in pure white. Additionally, I used Americana Victorian Blue and painted the pilot in the glass, so it would look transparent. He is not very clear, but that is the idea. You should not be able to see the pilot clear behind the glass, but you should be able to see a little something.

Hope you like this - I thought it looked cool, and helped give the canopy glass a little more realism.

Cockpit effect

The metallic balljoints were painted using GW Boltgun Metal. I then washed it with Armor Wash, and painted a thinned Boltgun again.

Ball joint

I then began washing with GW blue ink wash and green ink wash, to give a bit of the sky-blue color and the green of the vehicle itself. It was very slight, but enough that the hint of color is there without it looking like colored metal.

Joints shown on assembled model