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Round Five Report from Rob Jedi - Part 6

Blood Reaver
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30 April 2004page first published

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Rob Jedi continues:

Next I added lots and lots and lots of white spots. I then got the idea to make the pincer stand out more by adding Liche Purple to it with spots and several washes.

Lots of white spots added

Now back to details: I painted all the claws and spines with light strokes of Nutmeg over the black, with a highlight of more Nutmeg. I then painted the straps Burnt Umber and highlighted their edges with Coffee, then smoothed the colour with a wash of Burnt Umber. The buckles on the straps were painted Brazen Brass, then highlighted with Pure Gold.

Wow - the critter is finished. YAY!

Now, to stick him down so I don't mess him up. I added PVA glue to the base, and added patches of sand and small gravel and some larger rocks and bits of slate to blend in the moulded parts under the Reaver's feet with the rest of the base.

The base

After this had dried overnight, I painted the entire base Raw Umber - this was then drybrushed with a large flat brush with Nutmeg, then Coffee, then white mixed with Coffee. I then darkened up the sandy areas with some sepia ink, to make it look more like earth.

The painted base