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28 October 2002page first published

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Finalist Lyondri writes:

Something about myself...

My name - in the real world - is Jérôme. I'm 29 years old and I live in France, near Paris. I started my gaming life some 15 years ago with various role-playing games such as The Dark Eye, Dungeons & Dragons and RuneQuest. I was already interested in wargames and toy soldiers but unfortunately, I didn't have enough money to buy all the required minis. In 1997 - right at the end of my studies, when I started to earn my own money - I bought Warhammer Fantasy Battles and started to collect a colorful Bretonnian army. I spent two years on it and it is by now almost complete!

the Grail Knights from my mighty bretonnian army!480

Having always been interested in history, I then switched to Warhammer Ancient for which I collected...ahem... a mighty New Kingdom Egyptian army. Two years and more than 150 minis later, this new army is finally complete.

my NKE army ready for battle

As you can see, I'm quite a slow painter!

In the process, I became interested in other eras. I started an Austrian Napoleonic army. My friends and I are planning to play ACW, ECW, and WWII - well, among other ideas :-)

Occasionally, I also paint some minis for Vae Victis (the French alter-ego for Wargames Illustrated magazine).

I painted minis #1, 2 and 4 (on the front rank, from the left) for the Vae Victis magazine

Some years ago, I attended a convention and played a Demonworld demo-game. I must admit that I really liked the game engine, although the hexagonal tabletop can seem quite strange at first. My friends and I bought the game and started to collect some minis. I never painted them (as I was very busy with Warhammer at the time) but I found the minis very cool. I guess this painting contest will be a good occasion to start something! :-)