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Finalist Lyondri writes: Something about myself...My name - in the real world - is Jérôme. I'm 29 years old and I live in France, near Paris. I started my gaming life some 15 years ago with various role-playing games such as The Dark Eye, Dungeons & Dragons and RuneQuest. I was already interested in wargames and toy soldiers but unfortunately, I didn't have enough money to buy all the required minis. In 1997 - right at the end of my studies, when I started to earn my own money - I bought Warhammer Fantasy Battles and started to collect a colorful Bretonnian army. I spent two years on it and it is by now almost complete! ![]() Having always been interested in history, I then switched to Warhammer Ancient for which I collected...ahem... a mighty New Kingdom Egyptian army. Two years and more than 150 minis later, this new army is finally complete. ![]() As you can see, I'm quite a slow painter! In the process, I became interested in other eras. I started an Austrian Napoleonic army. My friends and I are planning to play ACW, ECW, and WWII - well, among other ideas :-) Occasionally, I also paint some minis for Vae Victis (the French alter-ego for Wargames Illustrated magazine). ![]() Some years ago, I attended a convention and played a Demonworld demo-game. I must admit that I really liked the game engine, although the hexagonal tabletop can seem quite strange at first. My friends and I bought the game and started to collect some minis. I never painted them (as I was very busy with Warhammer at the time) but I found the minis very cool. I guess this painting contest will be a good occasion to start something! :-) |