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Embassy Assault Carrier: The Finished Product

Embassy-Class Assault Carrier
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£6.50 GBP


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Norscaman writes:

This does not help me at all. I am trying to get out of the future and stick with fantasy and these cool paint jobs just keep pulling me back in!

Very well explained! Great process! Cool finished product!

Revision Log
21 May 2009page first published

Areas of Interest

Science Fiction

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ZandrisIV writes:

Embassy Assault Carrier Voidborn Soliloquy

And here she is, the finished product, the Embassy Assault Carrier Voidborn Soliloquy. The total amount of time I spent painting her was probably about two to three hours, not including priming and varnishing. The technique is not difficult, but if you are daunted by the Aztecing, excluding all the Aztecing steps and just following everything else in this tutorial will give you some very nicely done vessels with just the tiniest bit of extra effort.

I hope everyone reading this has enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed writing it!